Annie Maurice » Teacher Bio

Teacher Bio

Bienvenue sur ma page web à World Compass Academy! 
Welcome to my classroom website! 
My name is Annie Maurice, and I am very thrilled to teach in Kindergarten and First grade in the French Immersion program at World Compass Academy.
I have been part of World Compass Academy since its inception in 2015. It brings me joy to see all the students' growth as they learn a new language through the Immersion program. 
A glimpse of my personal story, I was born and raised in the province of Quebec, Canada where French is my native language. I feel privileged to share my cultural background with the students at WCA. 
My family and I have called Colorado home since 1999. My husband, children, and I are thankful to live in such a beautiful state!
In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors, whether it's hiking, running, biking or kayaking. 
Au plaisir de se rencontrer, 
Looking forward to meet you soon!