Annie Maurice » Schedule


First Grade
  • Morning Schedule 
In French Immersion, Mme Maurice
7:40-8:05 Opening activities and attendance 
8:15-10:40 Block 1 Math and Thematic Unit in Foreign Language
10:40- 11:30: Recess & Lunch 
  • Afternoon schedule, ELA teacher
11:30-3:30: Block 2, ELA 
  • Morning Schedule with ELA 
7:40-10:40 Block 1, ELA teacher
  • Afternoon Schedule
in French Immersion, Mme Maurice  
10:40-11:30: Lunch and Recess
11:30-2:15: Block 2 Math and Thematic Unit in Foreign Language 
2:15-2:35: Recess
2:40-3:25: Specials 
3:30: Dismissal  
Monday- Library      Tuesday - Art         Wednesday- Music    Thursday- PE     Friday - Tech