Annie Maurice » Daily Classroom Work

Daily Classroom Work

Math- 2.1 Represent a subtraction  (continuation of assessment module 1) / 2.1 represent a subtraction / 2.2 Count back (no school on Th. Sept. 19-20) Homework due: WED. Sept. 18, 2024
French- Ask questions how are you? (comment ça va?) talk about emotions ,
word work/writing journal : accent grave è
Science: Sound and Light (what is a shadow?) 
Math: count & write numbers up to 5, order numbers to 5 
French: school supplies, talk about family member (maman s'appelle... / mom's name) review accent aigu (é) 
intro to letter sound S 
Social Studies: explore South America , places to visit 
French: Writing sentence frame (Il y a) write the date in French ( day, month) , article the "le
Talk about pets at home (color, size) Mon animal est .. (my animal is) 
Song: 1,2,3 Nous irons aux bois 
Science: What is the information related to a sound? 
Math: I can add doubles and known sums to add 
French: communication - use good manners (svp, merci, excusez-moi, au revoir) 
Literacy: read aloud Ah! Les Mamans, La Souris (sound i) / letter formation vowel e , vocabulary dev. 
Math- review Module 1 and Assessment (represent numbers 0-5) 
Social Studies: Finding your way around (oceans, North/South poles) 
- French: learn the routines and expectations in the target language (ex: line up, go back to your table, get the material needed) - set goals everyday 
literacy: David va à l'école (good and negative choices) je, tu, il m'embête (boundaries with others) 
- Math: I can represent an addition (show your steps: draw and show a number for each parts, write an equation (using + , = symbols), answer the questions (how many - there are....) 
- Social studies: Finding your way around? Tell about the places in the World (town, city, country, continents) 
- French: get to know each other - tell your first name using the Target language ''Je m'appelle __________ '' 
Learn our routine and procedures in the class, interpret the gestures , context to comprehend what is going on.
- Math: I can represent the numbers 1-2 (use a picture ) concept of one-on-one correspondence in a group
- Social Studies: Let's Explore our World - Where do you live?