Preschool Program
World Compass Academy’s Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Programs focus on teaching pre-academic and social skills through experiential learning in a positive, nurturing environment.
2024-25 Preschool & Pre-K
Preschool and Pre-K enrollment for the 24/25 school year will be available through a lottery system. Preschool & Pre-K Enrollment opened in January of 2024. Enrollment information and registration links can be found on our preschool enrollment page. Based on availability, we accept applications year round.
Our Preschool Program is open to three and four year old students and is intended for students with two years remaining before Kindergarten. Preschool students follow the Preschool Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence Level II, Touch Math, Literacy Beginnings, and the CR Success Phonics program. Preschool is offered as a three day program, mornings only on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 8:00a.m.-11:00a.m. All Preschool students are required to be fully potty trained.
Our Pre-K Program is open to four and five year old students and is intended for students transitioning to Kindergarten the following school year. Students follow the Fundations Wilson Language, Preschool Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence Level II, Touch Math, Handwriting without Tears, Zoo Phonics, Literacy Beginnings, and the CR Success Phonics program. Pre-K is offered as a five day program, afternoon only Monday-Friday, 12:15pm-3:15pm. All Pre-K students are required to be fully potty trained.
Our PreK programming is offered in partnership with Colorado Department of Early Childhood’s Universal Preschool. To complete an application for UPK, please follow this link.
Class Size
The ratio is 1 teacher to 11 students.
2024-25 Tuition
- Preschool - (3 Days, meets T/W/Th AM ONLY - $295/month, accepting 3 & 4 year olds)
- Pre-Kindergarten - (5 Days, meets M-F PM ONLY - $582/month paid by Colorado’s UPK program, accepting 4 & 5 year olds transitioning into Kindergarten the following school year.)
Non-refundable Student Fee
- $275.00 per student
Preschool/Pre-K students receive 30 minutes of Spanish Foreign Language Development Instruction each class day.
*Please note that tuition rates and school hours are subject to change.
Please contact our Program Director Kacie Strohman with additional questions by email [email protected].